Dynamically created maths worksheets
Math games for all areas
Video tutorials on comprehensive maths
Daily Devotionals
Daily Devotionals
Videos and articles on nature
Covers many different topics with a number
of free resources. Subscribe to access all
Great for promoting International Mindedness.
News articles for students and country information
and historical timelines.
Information organised by school subjects
Timelines based on information from Wikipedia
Humanities and Science
Science for kids
Science, natural science, humanities
Grade 5 and above
Parenting and Marriage resources
Understanding people’s love languages
PDF – by Dr. Roby Marcou
Round up of useful resources on the brain
Academic research from the National Research Council (US)
Educational games which help build skills in Language, Maths,
Science, Social Studies and more.
Dynamically created maths worksheets
Math games for all areas
Video tutorials on comprehensive maths
Daily Devotionals
Daily Devotionals
Videos and articles on nature
Covers many different topics with a number
of free resources. Subscribe to access all
Great for promoting International Mindedness.
News articles for students and country information
and historical timelines.
Information organised by school subjects
Timelines based on information from Wikipedia
Humanities and Science
Science for kids
Science, natural science, humanities
Grade 5 and above
Parenting and Marriage resources
Understanding people’s love languages
PDF – by Dr. Roby Marcou
Round up of useful resources on the brain
Academic research from the National Research Council (US)
Educational games which help build skills in Language, Maths,
Science, Social Studies and more.
Dynamically created maths worksheets
Math games for all areas
Video tutorials on comprehensive maths
Daily Devotionals
Daily Devotionals
Videos and articles on nature
Covers many different topics with a number
of free resources. Subscribe to access all
Great for promoting International Mindedness.
News articles for students and country information
and historical timelines.
Information organised by school subjects
Timelines based on information from Wikipedia
Humanities and Science
Science for kids
Science, natural science, humanities
Grade 5 and above
Parenting and Marriage resources
Understanding people’s love languages
PDF – by Dr. Roby Marcou
Round up of useful resources on the brain
Academic research from the National Research Council (US)
Educational games which help build skills in Language, Maths,
Science, Social Studies and more.
Student life at IslandCA
Creating an environment where students
can learn, develop, and thrive.
Extracurricular activities are a fun way for students to explore interests ranging from maths and engineering to visual arts and sports. (Show more…)
Our parents’ support and positive contributions to the school community are highly valued and help build and strengthen our sense of community. IslandCA has an active Parent Teacher Association and also provides regular opportunities for parents to be involved in school events and class activities.
Our mission is to the whole child, to cultivate individuals of character, compassion, courage and competence. We know that everyone needs a helping hand sometimes, whether that is academically, socially, emotionally or spiritually, and we have strong systems in place to enable our students to access that support.
Classes begin each day at 8am and conclude at at 2:30pm, with breaks for snack and lunch during the day.
A school bus service is available, with routes covering many popular residential areas.
Extracurricular activities are a fun way for students to explore interests ranging from maths and engineering to visual arts and sports. A range of activities are offered throughout the school year, including swimming, tennis, photography, dance, and more.
Our parents’ support and positive contributions to the school community are highly valued and help build and strengthen our sense of community. IslandCA has an active Parent Teacher Association and also provides regular opportunities for parents to be involved in school events and class activities.
Our mission is to the whole child, to cultivate individuals of character, compassion, courage and competence. We know that everyone needs a helping hand sometimes, whether that is academically, socially, emotionally or spiritually, and we have strong systems in place to enable our students to access that support.
Classes begin each day at 8am and conclude at at 2:30pm,, with breaks for snack and lunch during the day.
A school bus service is available, with routes covering many popular residential areas.
IslandCA is unique because we strive to include different types of learners…with a range of abilities and giftings.
I love teaching at IslandCA because of the awesome students and teachers. We’re a big family here!
It’s fantastic to work with such supportive and caring colleagues and parents, as well as students who are keen and enthusiastic about their learning.
I love helping our students at IslandCA grow into loving and capable individuals who respond to God’s love for them by caring for others and for the world around them.